Friday, May 1, 2009

Fixing a Hole

Not a whole lot has happened this week to update you on picture-wise.  They finished the trench f0r the footings, and poor Dave spent most of yesterday getting it ready for the foundation.  The Pipe that was found is going to be dealt with by Washington Gas, they believe it's not in use anymore, but the Commonwealth team has isolated it in a 'tray' of sorts, so that WG can cap it off or re-route it.

Last night I got home around 5:30pm and the concrete guys were still finishing up, I was a tad annoyed with Commonwealth, because they assured us that one of them would always be there when the subs were working, but noone was there with them, but they were outside, and they were in the process of covering the trench trench to lay the foundation today.  Fingers x-ed that it doesn't rain before they can do it.

Wednesday M went on an overnight to Philly for work.  I am leaving to go to Alabama on Saturday morning to visit my Dad, who just had knee replacement surgery.  He had the surgery done in Altanta, he's being released today, and Mom is driving him to Tuscaloosa to a rehab facility, I am staying until Wednesday.  

Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. Have a great trip to see yer Daddy. :-)

  2. Thanks, Hes' in great spirits. They don't waste any time getting them on their feet after this surgery.
