Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 10 - Weird Week Ahead

Wierdness, straight ahead...

The Commonwealth Crew were all there this morning - Alan, Steve & Tim.

We have some logistical issues that are going to throw a wrench in the cogs of M and my finely tuned routine.

According to Alan this morning, Mike-the-drywall-guy, who's also the paint contractor, will come tomorrow, on Tuesday, and apply a coat of primer to the walls. The floor guys are coming on Wednesday. On Wednesday they will install the hardwood flooring, and then sand the existing floor to prep it for staining. On Thursday, we are to meet with the flooring contractor first thing in the a.m. and we will select the colour of the stain. They will then stain and apply the first coat of poly-whatever. On Friday, they will buff the first coat, and apply a second coat of poly-whatever. During this time, we cannot walk on the floor, which is unfortunate, because we need to access a few square feet of this level to go upstairs from the den/TV Room. He said that it should be ok to walk on on Saturday morning. Also, we've heard that the poly-whatever gives off strong/possibly toxic fumes that we don't want to be near while its drying.

I've always wondered what life in a Superfund site would be like.

They will come back on Monday and buff again. THEN, the commonwealth guys will be able to start installing cabinetry. A final coat of poly-deathfumery will be be added after the woodwork has been completed.

Our pastor's wife, from now on referred in these pages as, Saint Cheryl of Shirlington, has agreed to put us up whilst we're in our homeless condition. Saint Cheryl of Shirlington is temporarily in a childless (3 of the little nippers in all) and husbandless (only one of these that we know of) condition, because Pastor Dee is taking their passle o' younguns to visit the grandparental units in Chattanooga, TN. We are deeply grateful to her.

My parents are coming up on Friday, to visit for a few days before a meeting they have scheduled in Bawl-mer, MD next week. They're wisely staying at the Marc Centre Hilton ("The Euro-spelling means extra Klassy-ness 4 U!"). We don't know what we're doing while they are here, but we always have fun when they come and this will be no exception.

Melissa Chernick, Commonwealth's Designer Extraordinaire, is coming over tonight after work, and giving us a hand picking out colours for the new space. We're at a loss right now. We've chosen several colors, for the dining room, foyer, hallway and powder room, but we aren't confident in any of the choice yet.

Stay tuned.

S'all for now

1 comment:

  1. You definitely do NOT want to take the chance of f'ing up the floors by walking on them before they are COMPLETELY dry. And you're right about the fumes - can't believe I almost forgot about that. Good thinking to find temporary lodging elsewhere.

    About the stain color, my recommendation is to bring a piece of the kitchen cabinetry into the new kitchen space so you can see what the cabinetry color looks like in the nature lighting, and then pick a floor stain that works/compliments the cabinetry stain. Don't try and do this in a different room because the lighting will be different there.
