Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Quicky Update

The Commonwealth crew, today consisting of Tim and Steve, working on some interior woodwork, and some exterior woodwork.

This morning at around 7:15am, 2 painting contractors showed up. They'll be applying a base coat of primer to the walls. I'll take and post pix them tonight. The woodwork around the picture window looks spectacular.

Melissa Chernick, Commonwealth Designer Extraordinaire, came over afterwork last night, and helped us choose paint colors in the new space. We're going with bold autumnal colors. The interior of the Cove in the kitchen will, however, be a cooler, pale blue/green. It will make it stand out and make the area seem larger. The dining room is going to be a terra cotta shade. The new space will be a bright yellow accent wall, and a paler yellow on the side walls. The Curve will hi-lighted with an accent eggplant color, to bring in the color of the furniture we bought at BiF. We were concerned that the gold/yellow accent wall and the eggplant would look too much like the Redskins colors so we toned it down a few notches and it looks pretty good to gether. At least we think it will, and Melissa assures us it will.

BTW, Note to MeganK, we selected a WILD tangerine-y shade for the powder room. You'll approve.

We just hope it's doesn't look like a clownhouse...ever watch Colorsplash with David Bromstad?
Clownhouse Designer.... just sayin'.

S'all for now,

1 comment:

  1. The colors all sound like they belong together except the bright yellow. Terra cotta, eggplant, and green sound 'autumnal', but yellow sounds like spring. Maybe the bright yellow isn't that bright; or maybe its more like gold?
