Friday, July 17, 2009

Sweatin' to the Moldies

So last night we get home and the A/C had been off all day, it had gotten up to about 94 degrees yesterday, and was 91 when we arrived at 6:15pm. Inside the thermometer said it was 87 degrees inside. We closed all the windows and turned on the A/C. I went about my duties, we had leftover chili last night with rice. I was out sweltering in my camp kitchen, I watered the garden, etc. We had dinner and at about 8pm or there abouts we noticed that the air coming from the registers wasn't cool, and the temp was only down to 85 degrees after the unit being on for nearly 2 hours. Quel Horror! (queue the 'Psycho' theme)

I trudged out to the compressor and discovered it had a tarp covering it that the siders had placed over it to keep debris from falling into it whilst they did their jobs. I removed it. The inside fan in the Laundry room was churning up a storm but the compressor wasn't kicking on. GRR.

M found a number for Proficient Plumbing in our handbook that had been given to us by Kelvin Peirce and Alan Bennett way back in the beginning of things. M called the number and left a lengthy message. We waited for about 20 minutes without a callback, and then I called Steve.

Steve was horrified too, but it was because they didn't use Proficient on our job but a firm called Argent HVAC!!! Steve called the Argent 24 - hour helpline and a man called me about 10 minutes later (it was around 9:15pm at this point, the outside temp was still in the 80's). The Argent dude said that they'd have someone come out and take a look...

TOMORROW MORNING BY 8AM! (queue theme from "Vertigo")

What are you going to do?

We ran every fan in the house and the window fan drawing in outside air on HIGH. It was like a wind tunnel.

Oddly, after I calmed down, I drifted right off. I actually feel fairly rested.

I was reminiscing with M this morning. I didn't live in a house with A/C until I was 6 years old. I remember my room in the house in Fairfield, AL that I lived in until I was 5. When it was warm my Mom opened all the windows and set up all the window fans. The only thing I remember is that the kitchen was hot as hades, but I don't remember having trouble sleeping.

We're so spoiled.

Anyway, a man we will henceforth refer to as Saint Juan of Argent arrived at about 7:15am (not 8am as the guy had said last night) this morning, and found the trouble immediately. He said that the cover that the siding guys had put over the compressor had tripped a pressure switch in the unit so it wouldn't overheat, it's not easy to get to either, you have to remove a panel on the back of the compressor and open another door and press a button inside...I never would have found it. He reset it and was on his blessed way to spread his cooling grace.

All is fine now....

Alan and Kelvin...Update your &%*$-ing literature.

S'all for now.


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