Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Kelvin and Alan gave a booklet in our pre-construction meeting with them back in April on the range of emotions experienced by people going thru a home-renovation project. They warned us that towards the end we'd feel the "We Love You, But Get The #^*% Out Of My House" emotions.

We're so there.

I do love these guys and this company, but we are both so ready for this project to end. I am tired of the mess, the lack of privacy, and cooking in my garage.

We've schedule the movers for the 31st, and asked Alan to let us know immediately if they aren't going to make that date. We don't want to have to pay another month of rental on the storage unit, so if the interior is not inspected and ready to move into, our stuff will go into the gargage...which means we'll end up having to move it back in.

In the last 2 weeks, although things happen everyday and a lot has still looks no where near completion inside.

This week, the siders came and have nearly completed the outside of the house, and it looks fabulous, they'll be back on Friday to finish the side of the house where the utility wires are attached, Virginia Dominion Power have be there to do that.

John, Electrical Savant from Hawkins Electric, will be back on Friday to begin finishing the electric.

Dale, the Tile Guy from Outer-Darkness Virginia (he lives near Woodstock, VA off of Interstate 81!!!), was here yesterday and today to do the backsplash...I can't wait to post pics of it.

The painters have finished for the time being, except for touch up.

Tim will probably finish or nearly finish the deck, they were waiting on the siders to finish their work back there so they could proceed.

THINGS ARE HAPPENING, just not fast enough when you are in the anticipatory "We Love You, But Get The &^*% Out Of My House" mood.

I'll post pix tonight.

S'all for now.


1 comment:

  1. Yikes, I can only imagine. So far, all work has been done OUTSIDE on our project so we've not been too bothered by it, except the fact that we constantly track sawdust (etc) in the house so it doesn't stay clean for more than 5 minutes. Hang in there... its almost over!
